Samstag, 13. Oktober 2007


As most of you know, I handed in my Examensarbeit yesterday and before it is too late and thus not appropriate anymore, I'd like to write a little Thank You article.
You should known that you all contributed in your different and special ways and I don't think it is too over the top to say that I couldn't have done it without you. Or better: I could have, but it wouldn't have been so easy. So a general Thank You up front.
Now to the personal stuff ...

First and foremost, I want to thank M.E.T. and U.E.T. First of all, for academic discussions and stimuli, for talking with me about the topic even though you, U.E.T., built up a certain aversion to the English Society Comedy over the last four months ;o). But thank you for being my Personal Professor, U.E.T. And M.E.T. thank you ever so much for untiringly hunting down typing errors and for caring for all these little details which I'm too cursory and lazy to notice. We know there are probably heaps left, but there would be plenty more if it hadn't been for you. Thank you so much.

Then, I'd like to thank J.C.P. for having these interesting initials ;o). But more importantly, I'd like to thank you so much for incessant pep talk - not only concerning the thesis. It meant the world to me that you have always been there and that you believed in me even though I sometimes didn't. And that you still had nice words for me even though you knew I was just having a bad day and were going to be just fine. Thank you so so much. I don't know whether you realised it, but you were probably my most important support during the whole thing. Miaow.

Thank you, T.C.W. Thank you for daily mensa dates - it was very helpful seeing you basically every day and knowing that you would be there if I needed you. And that you were there when I needed you. Thank you for knowing when I needed you without me having to tell you. And thank you for knowing what I want to say to you here so that I actually don't have to. E.h.

Thank you, L.B./F.T. for joining the daily mensa dates. And for great conversations, be it at night, during the day, be they live or via ICQ. They really took my mind off the English Society Comedy and that was sometimes more than necessary. And thank you for liking my English ;o).

Thank you, V.E. for setting an example. You trusted me with your Examensarbeit and with the hours before your examinations and that really meant a lot to me. You also showed me that it isn't that bad after all, perfectly doable and that it is well possible to keep up your social life more or less unaltered in the process. And I will still need your example for the exams to come.

Thank you, V.C. for sharing these months of suffering with me and for joining me on a few writing parties. It was so much easier knowing that somebody else is going through the same. Geteiltes Leid. Thanks.

And, last but not least, to V.J.S. and R.K.S. for getting me started and for sharing a wonderful revival week before the horror really started. And thank you for never ever doubting me. And thank you for giving me a good reason to learn English and for making English my second nature by being my godparents. If it weren't for you, I can assure you that my English wouldn't be half as good and that would have made writing the thesis so much harder.

Oh, and I want to thank D.C., M.K. and K.B. for creating "Friends". And again I need to thank T.C.W. for taking them away from me for three months. But also for knowing that he can give them back for the last month. ;o)

Thank you all. It was wonderful to know that I was never alone in this. I'm sorry if I was a pain, I'm sorry if I wasn't my real self sometimes, I'm sorry if I was getting on your nerves. Thank you for putting up with me.
And prepare for the first months of 2008 ;o)


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